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Practical Phonics

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    Practical Phonics

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Practical Phonics Summary

Practical Phonics Workbooks 

Six practice books for mastery of writing and spelling. (Prices per book in options)

Includes graded reading and writing passages and listening activities.  Using all channels to the brain in a logical structured sequence.  Builds chidlren's skill and confidence step-by-step.
Book 1
- covers half of the alphabet, one letter/one sound correspondences.  Begins with the eight curved letters as advised by neurologists starting with the simplest C.  Writing examples provided in Roman to lessen confusion between writing styles - simply use the style you wish.
Book 2
- covers the remaining half of the alphabet.
Book 3
- starts the two-letter phonograms th through to oa, silent letters and spelling features.
Book 4
- follows on with phonograms wh to or, other sounds of vowels and some consonants.
Book 5
- covers ie to ui.
Book 6
- includes eigh, sounds of er,air, ough, augh, Latin and Greek phonograms, foreign words, tricky spellings, and homophones.

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